Insights To Reality

The True Nature of Our Reality

Ronan Rooney Season 1 Episode 1

How I came to write my latest book - The True Nature of Our Reality. My search for a new meaning to life and the true nature of reality. The dichotomy between me living the life of a chartered surveyor and property arbitrator and my life of spiritual reflection, study and teaching.

The highs of publishing my first book The Secret of Life, having it endorsed by Deepak Chopra and Robin Sharma, producing audio mediation CDs and DVDs and presenting seminars all over the world and then crashing to insolvency and depression.

I want to share the inspirations and enlightenment I have experienced on my journey with you. There, is so much more to reality than we have been led to believe. You create your world and reality, and you are so much more than you would let yourself believe. In this podcast I want to help you to experience a shift in perspective that will enable you to see the world as it really is and you as you really are.

The past is memory, the future is imagination and all that is real is the present moment.  Our thinking has a big part to play in determining how we experience reality. The quality of our thinking then reflects the quality of our life experience. 

You are a unique and integral part of a greater whole with a specific purpose to play your part in the greater plan by expressing your true Authentic Self. 

Enjoy a new perspective, live your best life, express your true Authentic Self, see the world as you would want to create it and watch it all unfold as if by magic. 

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