Insights To Reality
Personal reflections, insights, revelations and meditations on Consciousness, Spirituality, Self Realisation and Enlightenment.
Here you can get all the help, inspiration and answers to the most fundamental questions we all have; Who Am I, What Is Life, What is my Life Purpose.
Ronan is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author and teacher. He is a Philosopher, Psychologist & Metaphysician with a BSc, a BA in Philosophy & Applied Mathematical Science and MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology.
He is also a Certified Authentic Self Facilitator, Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and Transpersonal Psychology Coach.
An expert in Consciousness, Self-Mastery and Spiritual Realisation he has studied worldwide with some of the most influential people in consciousness, spirituality and human development.
He has published three books with numerous endorsements including Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Steve Taylor, Leslie Fieger and Dean Radin.
As a speaker he has presented in Ireland, UK, Spain, Germany, US and Australia and has been endorsed by both the Irish and UK presidents of the Professional Speakers Association.
In his writings, teachings and presentations he employs a combination of self-inquiry, mastery of consciousness & transpersonal psychology.
Insights To Reality
We have become over-regulated in many areas and under regulated in the most important areas.
Regulations justifiably emerged in many areas of our global systems but have in recent times gone into ‘overkill’ with a multiplicity of regulations being enacted in all areas. As a result of the financial crash of 2008 in the US, which then affected the entire world, we in Ireland and in many other countries in the western world introduced a spate of regulations which began reasonably but soon spiralled out of control. Under the pretence of developing the efficacy of the governing systems many countries have become highly over-regulated. The result is that we are now over-regulated in many areas like economics, law, financial and health which is strangling the systems altogether.
In other areas like education, the justice system and humanitarianism, we remain under-regulated with much work to be done. In economic terms this has in many cases stunted business and economic growth. Furthermore, in the case of the Covid-19 health pandemic the new regulations were varied, inconsistent and encroaching on human rights.
The spiralling of the intellect fuelled by fear is what has given rise to this over-regulation. Fearful of another financial crash we have introduced a myriad of compliancy regulations on businesses to the detriment of business success and profitability. There are so many regulations now in business in tender procurements, health and safety protocols, employment law rules, property planning and development that they are adversely affecting the viability of the very businesses that are sustaining employment and life.
The regulations in the employment sector for employers are such that they are a disincentive to employers to employ. The penalising taxes for profit making companies is such that most do all they can to hide their profits and are in fact disincentivized to make profits and consequential tax returns.
The new regulations for security in the US have been abused and used to validate inhumane treatment of political prisoners and suspected terrorists. While I accept the threat of terrorism is something we need to address I contend that much of what has been perpetrated under the guise of these security regulations has in fact deepened the resentment and worsened the situations in many cases.
New regulations for crowd control in Australia presented as a protection against terrorism once passed have been abused and used to control the people to comply with Covid protocols and guidelines authorising violence in many cases.
In Ireland and many other European countries, the legal system and justice departments have now so many new regulations that there are more loopholes for guilty crimes to secure unjustly light sentences and in many cases escape punishment altogether. Moreover, the prison service and justice system for incarceration has relaxed so that when the sentences are passed the perpetrators invariably never serve the entire sentence. White collar crime is dramatised and inflated while sex offence crimes are belittled in their sentencing.
Legal firms acting for Insurance companies agree to pay large sums of money to contentious claimants to avoid the legal fees and with the intention of passing on the costs to their customers in increased premiums. Invariably, the insurance companies base their premiums on their business model for profit margins regardless of the mismanagement in their system. Male teenagers pay a much higher premium than teenage girls for car insurance. Car insurance is supposed to be a mandatory enforced regulation and even though there is financial devastation if you are in an accident with an un-insured driver, the sentencing for them is so meek it is not a
Please don't hesitate to email me at ronan@ronanrooney.com
Or connect to me here; www.ronanrooney.com https://www.instagram.com/ronanrooney2014/