Insights To Reality
Personal reflections, insights, revelations and meditations on Consciousness, Spirituality, Self Realisation and Enlightenment.
Here you can get all the help, inspiration and answers to the most fundamental questions we all have; Who Am I, What Is Life, What is my Life Purpose.
Ronan is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author and teacher. He is a Philosopher, Psychologist & Metaphysician with a BSc, a BA in Philosophy & Applied Mathematical Science and MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology.
He is also a Certified Authentic Self Facilitator, Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and Transpersonal Psychology Coach.
An expert in Consciousness, Self-Mastery and Spiritual Realisation he has studied worldwide with some of the most influential people in consciousness, spirituality and human development.
He has published three books with numerous endorsements including Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Steve Taylor, Leslie Fieger and Dean Radin.
As a speaker he has presented in Ireland, UK, Spain, Germany, US and Australia and has been endorsed by both the Irish and UK presidents of the Professional Speakers Association.
In his writings, teachings and presentations he employs a combination of self-inquiry, mastery of consciousness & transpersonal psychology.
Insights To Reality
Are our social systems crashing or just evolving?
We are the most amazing creatures capable of such majestic dreams and realities and the worst and most horrible nightmares and atrocities. We can consciously decide what we will manifest in the world around us. Even science through quantum mechanics is now admitting that we create the world around us and so if we do, why not create the perfect world of our dreams and not of our nightmares.
There have been polar shifts in world Religions, international politics and international markets. Evidence of this can be seen in the difference between the last two Popes in the Catholic Church, the last two presidents of the US and the shift reversal of profitability for the pharmaceuticals in treating many modern illnesses. Fuelling this further is the imbalances where human beings are both starving and burning food in the interest of “economic balance”. These are but a few indications of the re-alignment taking place towards a higher vibration and away from modern day systems.
The Global wealth is moving from west to east and spirituality is shifting from organized religious doctrine to an inner self contemporary spirituality based on Self Inquiry. It began in 2008 with the financial crash worldwide, then in my own country in Ireland we had the property crash. In recent years there have been major fluctuations in politics especially in the US and the Middle East. Our ecological system has been under threat for some time now and the Covid pandemic demonstrated the feeble nature of the health system.
There are so many signs of this systematic breakdown which I believe represents the imbalance between the intellect and the spirit as part of our evolution. These systems were developed as we evolved over the years but like many other aspects of life and our evolution, they have been adversely affected by the intellect spiralling out of control.
There is a shift away from the operational left side of the brain and the linear rational aspects of our reasoning for humanity in our world today. The problem is that we are using the past to figure out how to live in the present. The past has only brought us to here but we’re evolving so much further. If we keep using the past, our present is not going to change, and it must.
You know it’s not a coincidence that so many natural disasters are happening, so many new viruses, so much fighting. The emergence of natural disasters and viruses is the earth crying out to deal with the infective nature of our being like a wound or clot etc. The clot intensifies and escalates when we don’t listen. When we as a collective race are imbalanced on this earth, we experience some dis-eases at the surface level e.g., weather fluctuations and global conflicts etc. If we don’t listen and change back into balance, we get a stronger hint in the form of sporadic weather disasters and global pandemics. If we still don’t listen it will escalate into a full global assault.
With the external world that is the earth we live on, natural disasters are occurring because we are totally off-line, and it is a natural rebalancing affect by Mother Nature with an underlying Divine aspiration.
The way to avoid these aggressive natural disasters in the world is to become realigned ourselves back into balance with the earth. In so doing we avoid the necessity for a dramatic shift altogether. We don’t just treat the effects of the flood, forest fire, earthquake or tornado etc. we seek to rectify the imbalance that brought it about in the first place e.g., our erosion of the ozone layer, global warming and ecological abuse.
Please don't hesitate to email me at ronan@ronanrooney.com
Or connect to me here; www.ronanrooney.com https://www.instagram.com/ronanrooney2014/