Insights To Reality
Personal reflections, insights, revelations and meditations on Consciousness, Spirituality, Self Realisation and Enlightenment.
Here you can get all the help, inspiration and answers to the most fundamental questions we all have; Who Am I, What Is Life, What is my Life Purpose.
Ronan is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author and teacher. He is a Philosopher, Psychologist & Metaphysician with a BSc, a BA in Philosophy & Applied Mathematical Science and MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology.
He is also a Certified Authentic Self Facilitator, Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and Transpersonal Psychology Coach.
An expert in Consciousness, Self-Mastery and Spiritual Realisation he has studied worldwide with some of the most influential people in consciousness, spirituality and human development.
He has published three books with numerous endorsements including Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Steve Taylor, Leslie Fieger and Dean Radin.
As a speaker he has presented in Ireland, UK, Spain, Germany, US and Australia and has been endorsed by both the Irish and UK presidents of the Professional Speakers Association.
In his writings, teachings and presentations he employs a combination of self-inquiry, mastery of consciousness & transpersonal psychology.
Insights To Reality
How we were reared and our educational system has affected who we are
We are all different, but parents and teachers usually adopt the presupposition that the child will have the same experiences as they had. The reality is far from the truth. Because the world is changing so fast and so dramatically the assumption that our children will have similar worldly experiences to us is naïve. How could they? The world system is so far removed from generation to generation. The truly successful ones do not accept the inherited beliefs and faith of their predecessors but forge their own subject to their desired reality.
You just can’t apply the same interpretation of an experience to all, across the board. Everyone is different and may have very different experiences of a similar situation. The intellectual understanding derived from past experiences should be an indicating factor but not an ultimately defining one.
Even in the context of education we can see the inadequacies of the archaic educational systems from generation to generation. Ultimately, the educational system changes far more slowly than the changes in the real world and so is inadequate as an ultimate source of instruction or direction. It should be applied as a guide only with support for the youth of the next generation to express and embrace new thought patterns and skills. Much of the current educational system in the west stifles creativity and imaginative expression in support of a rigid formula of mental reasoning.
This is why many of the new generations are struggling in school. It’s not because there’s something wrong with them it’s because there’s something wrong with the system.
New technologies and developments come about by individuals thinking beyond the constraints of what has been and into the realm of what could be.
Educational systems should be encouraging expression, creativity and uniqueness of thought as opposed to following past guidelines and teachings.
Our parents condition us in a certain way - they believe they should bring us up with certain life values. They brought us up to be the type of person they think we should be. And we buy into that which is fine in most cases. Then we have teachers who tell us certain things about who they think we should be. Some we listen to others we don't and others still we do all in our power to ignore. Then we have experiences and our interpretation of them defines our world reality and who we believe we are. We make a judgment about the experience which turns into belief structures which then make us behave the way we behave.
Is it time to reevaluate your beliefs? Is this really me, my authentic self or am I reacting this way because of something somebody told me? Regardless, does it serve me to have this belief and behave or even think like this? Does it serve me to think the thoughts that I'm thinking and fuel the habitual patterns of thinking that I have developed and entrained into my psyche? We are all different, but parents and teachers usually adopt the presupposition that the child will have the same experiences as they had. The reality is far from the truth.
Because the world is changing so fast and so dramatically the assumption that our children will have similar worldly experiences to us is naïve. How could they? The world system is so far removed from generation to generation. The truly successful ones do not accept the inherited beliefs and faith of their predecessors but forge their own subject to their desired reality.
Please don't hesitate to email me at ronan@ronanrooney.com
Or connect to me here; www.ronanrooney.com https://www.instagram.com/ronanrooney2014/