Insights To Reality
Personal reflections, insights, revelations and meditations on Consciousness, Spirituality, Self Realisation and Enlightenment.
Here you can get all the help, inspiration and answers to the most fundamental questions we all have; Who Am I, What Is Life, What is my Life Purpose.
Ronan is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author and teacher. He is a Philosopher, Psychologist & Metaphysician with a BSc, a BA in Philosophy & Applied Mathematical Science and MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology.
He is also a Certified Authentic Self Facilitator, Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and Transpersonal Psychology Coach.
An expert in Consciousness, Self-Mastery and Spiritual Realisation he has studied worldwide with some of the most influential people in consciousness, spirituality and human development.
He has published three books with numerous endorsements including Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Steve Taylor, Leslie Fieger and Dean Radin.
As a speaker he has presented in Ireland, UK, Spain, Germany, US and Australia and has been endorsed by both the Irish and UK presidents of the Professional Speakers Association.
In his writings, teachings and presentations he employs a combination of self-inquiry, mastery of consciousness & transpersonal psychology.
Insights To Reality
Is the Intellect Out Of Control
As a race humanity’s evolution is stuck at the mental intellectual level at the expense of the other facets of our being. We crave the search for meaning because it involves the greatest activity for the mind and there is no end to it. The journey towards finding meaning is a very stimulating and intoxicating feature for our mind. It also makes us feel more powerful by engaging our Ego, always having to unravel or analyze the meaning of something or some experience. We constantly trigger the intellect and stay in this continuous pattern of compulsive thought.
We are conditioned to understand and if we don’t understand something we are encouraged almost obsessively to seek the understanding. We must be able to fit our experiences into a labeled box in our storehouse memory in the brain which defines the experience and if we can’t, then we find it difficult to cope with it.
We are all through our growing lives constantly searching for meaning. All through early life we must see, touch, feel, smell, and taste for meaning. From the moment we arrive into this world we develop an obsessive need to gain understanding from every experience or potential experience we are faced with. This comes from the development and evolution of the intellect which has culminated over the years into a relative model of understanding. We just have to understand this or that and be able to label everything in our reasoned mind.
So many of our beliefs which determine our perception of the world and life come from the past experiences of our ancestors and parents and teachers. But the world is changing so fast that many of these could be archaic and disjointed from the lives we can live today.
All of our experiences of life and living are determined by either our past beliefs or our pre-conditioned interpretation. This means our life experience is pre-conditioned which is why many have the same repeated experiences. This is all very well if you are enjoying your life and living the life of your dreams but if you’re not then you have to break out of the conditioned responses.
We use the results of the past experiences to determine whether we are going to embrace, reject or cautiously experience it again and more often than not we adopt the same interpretation as we have in the past.
Can you see how your life is pre-conditioned? It’s your belief determines whether you embrace the experience or not. Yet our inherited beliefs can be misguided, and our past experiences don’t always mirror the previous one.
But you can control this and so control your life’s reality.
Know this - we may not have any control over the experiences we have in life, but we have total control over how we interpret them which instills our beliefs and then leads to our perceptive reality. If we have total control over our perceptive interpretation of experiences, we have total control over our life and reality.
We are not content to just enjoy the appreciation of life. We must dissect it. We must know it and yet the greatest secret of all is that you cannot know or intellectualize life in its truest form.
We are not a physical being, a mental being, an emotional being or a spiritual being. We are all of this and more – more than we will ever know in this life existence. And yet if I were to ask you the question you would have to admit that yes you know you are more than this but can’t quite understand, rationalize, or intellectualize it. You can’t define it and so because society would have you believe that if you cannot define it then it is not real it can’t form part of your reality.
Relax, sit back, stop over thinking things and
Please don't hesitate to email me at ronan@ronanrooney.com
Or connect to me here; www.ronanrooney.com https://www.instagram.com/ronanrooney2014/