Insights To Reality
Personal reflections, insights, revelations and meditations on Consciousness, Spirituality, Self Realisation and Enlightenment.
Here you can get all the help, inspiration and answers to the most fundamental questions we all have; Who Am I, What Is Life, What is my Life Purpose.
Ronan is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author and teacher. He is a Philosopher, Psychologist & Metaphysician with a BSc, a BA in Philosophy & Applied Mathematical Science and MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology.
He is also a Certified Authentic Self Facilitator, Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and Transpersonal Psychology Coach.
An expert in Consciousness, Self-Mastery and Spiritual Realisation he has studied worldwide with some of the most influential people in consciousness, spirituality and human development.
He has published three books with numerous endorsements including Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Steve Taylor, Leslie Fieger and Dean Radin.
As a speaker he has presented in Ireland, UK, Spain, Germany, US and Australia and has been endorsed by both the Irish and UK presidents of the Professional Speakers Association.
In his writings, teachings and presentations he employs a combination of self-inquiry, mastery of consciousness & transpersonal psychology.
Insights To Reality
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Just as we were beginning to find a position of stability in our financial and economic lives, the COVID-19 pandemic emerged adversely affecting us all in the most profound ways. With the scars still fresh from the financial and property crash we began to question our security in life. The mental illness pandemic has threatened our ability to make the ‘right’ choices and we now are beginning to question our personal security, democratic rights, and freedom of choice in terms of the very fabric of our society.
The Covid pandemic and our reaction to it politically and socially has undermined the global confidence in systems of societal governance. By this I mean we are beginning to question the validity and effectiveness and justice of the global systems of governance that determine how society operates.
This could prove to be the biggest challenge humanity has faced with widespread adverse effects in multiple areas of society and living. It is becoming a catalyst for social reflection and a questioning of our global societal systems of law, order, and governance. This is then spilling over into the areas of health, justice, equality, ecology, sexuality, religion, and spirituality with many questioning the authenticity of our current mindset.
World health is acutely vulnerable as was proven by the pandemic which affected the health, financial, economic, political and democracy of the developed world. It also created a further divide between the developed and the under-developed world. And yet it had been foretold that the over population of the world would have to be addressed and rebalanced either by natural or unnatural forces. The Covid pandemic was one of the greatest challenges we as a global society faced for decades.
The initial question that has to be asked to which there is yet no answer is; “was this a natural or a manmade virus?”
If it was a naturally developed virus then the challenges it has presented are in keeping with the balance of nature on this planet. If it was engineered by man, then it is out of balance with nature and as such should be feared and of great concern.
If it was a natural virus then we should complement our global medical industry for developing a vaccine so quickly. If it was manmade then there is always the question of conspiracy and whether this was an exploitation for political or financial gain or other adverse motivations. It would also explain the speed at finding a vaccine and the new emergent strains could be yet another effort to exert further control over the masses!
We may never know the full story or realise the truth about this pandemic. One thing is certain if we were to be plagued with another one in the future that was substantially worse, then if the pattern of behaviour that resulted from this pandemic is anything to go by, the world could be a very scary place.
To finish on a positive, we have ridden the storm, passed the crucial point of the pandemic and now are beginning to return to some level of normality. Now is the opportunity for humanity to assess how we reacted and performed in the face of this adversity so that we can ensure a more efficient, competent, justified, and humane reaction to a potential next one!
I think we should demand that the World Health Organisation carries out an enquiry into the origins and source of the virus and to review the actions taken and agree set protocols for any future pandemics.
For now, enjoy the returned freedom to enjoy life fully without restraint.
Please don't hesitate to email me at ronan@ronanrooney.com
Or connect to me here; www.ronanrooney.com https://www.instagram.com/ronanrooney2014/